

Supergirl is a DC comic based television show based on a female superhero character played as Kara-zor-el who was refugee on the earth from the planet named krypton. She was adopted by good family and she is good by nature too so she is helping to protect the earth from other bad aliens by working together with government agency named D.E.O where Kara’s sister Alex is to working as a agent. This is very exciting TV series made by DC you would like to watch it go for it!

The series has following main characters:


          The kryptonian girl getting superpower due to the yellow sun of the earth.Superhuman Powers: Supergirl has super strength and super speed. She can also fly, manifest wings of fire, and project fire vision. Biography: Supergirl was born as Kara on the planet Krypton, and she is cousin to Superman.

The main special ability of Kara is faith in the goodness in everyone. She has faith in everyone and she believe everyone can change just then need someone to understood them, someone who can change there way of thinking and she was able to change people thinking and she turned number of villain’s into good once by her talks. That’s what I loved about the supergirl by just talking about the problems in someone’s life if we can stop them making any crime then there is still hope we in real world can also minimize the crimes.


Kara’s sister on the earth who has to protect Kara as she was taught to do so by her parents. So Alex has a supporting and protecting role in this series. In the second season Alex get known that she has a feelings for women and she told that to Kara and her family and get out of guilt. But she want to become a mom so she refused a relationship with a women but later on she gets attracted towards another women as per her nature.

John John’s Martian manhunter:

John John’s was the green martian alien escaped from the attack of white martian. He thinks that he was last green martian alive but later he used to know that his father was alive. He has ability to transform called shape-shifter. He has ability to read minds and he was the director of the government agency called D.E.O John & supergirl has played a role to protect the earth from the any attacks.

Win shott:

Win shott was a Kara’s first friend in the Catco campany. He is excellent in algorithm programming, networking, tracking etc. He get hired by John in the DEO due to his IQ level. He helped DEO by tracking alien attacks ar any extra normal activities. After he needs in future to protect the future due his intelligency hence he get chance to go in the future and he did.

James Wilson:

Another Kara’s friend from Catco, reporter and photographer. He was best friend of superman. Superman send him to national city to protect Kara. He played helping character role as a gardian in the series for while then he reveals his secrete identity to the world.


Like krypton another planet named Dextron has prince named Mon-el. Due to cruel behaviour of his parents he left dextron and come on earth. There he meets Kara. Kryptonian and Dextronian were the enemies of each other but both of them get attracted towards each other and they were in love with each other. But conditionally Kara has to hemmer him out of the earths environment and he just disappeared and went into blackwhole through which he entered into the future. After some years he came back to past and meet Kara again.


Brainy was the most intelligent species in the universe. He is a live AI. He came from the future with Mon-el and his wife. But unconditionally future needs win and brainy has to live in past. He is as smart as win as he is live AI he helps John & DEO in traking.

Nia Nal Dreamer:

The dreamer as per the name she feels dreams of the things happening in the future and she is able to stop the things happening in the same way. She was the televisions first transgender actress. She is another superhero in this series.

In this way this series is so interesting there was a family named Luthor. It was actually a villain’s family but exceptionally Leena Luthor was a Luthor who is unlike them. She helped supergirl to stop her family. Today hollywood’s science is beyond our imagination but one day it could be possible so I love such scince/universe fiction series. Hope you will enjoy it too. Thank you!

