Tony stark
Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Patron. Tony Stark's intelligency is the reason for his famous iron-suit which gives him ability to fly-high as the hero called Iron Man.

    Tony stark aka iron man is the most talented superhero in the marvel cinematic universe (MCU). Basically Tony Stark is a mechanic, he was interested in making things, building technologies due to which he become famous enough. He establish his own company where he build his products related to technology. One day he was working with the military and they gets attacked by the terrorist group and he was caught by them. They also know him. They keep tony to make a bomb for them while tony with another person work hard and made a big iron suit to escape from there and he becomes successful to escape from that terrorists but his friend gets died. Then tony started working on the optimization of the suit and one day he completed his work and made a body fit iron suit and named IRON MAN.

Since that first suit built in a cave, Tony has created dozens of new suits and upgrades over the years. However, throughout the 50-plus Iron Man models, there are common offensive and defense capabilities found in most iterations.

The primary weapon contained within every suit, the repulsor rays use energy pulses to repel and disrupt enemies and are generated through the suit’s gauntlets. The suit’s booster jets enable Stark to fly fast enough to break the sound barrier, and maneuver more quickly than any fighter jet.

Iron Man’s helmet provides Tony with a heads-up display that gives him 360-degree vision, access to information about his surroundings and enemies, and the ability to transmit and block transmissions along any frequency. The helmet also gives Tony a degree of resistance to EMP and psychic-based attacks.

A weapon centered in Iron Man’s chest, the unibeam is capable of projecting dazzling light, and can also be used as a powerful force beam that is even more powerful than the repulsor ray.

Each of Tony’s suits provides a full range of telecommunications, including the ability to jam and transmit on any frequency, and sophisticated artificial intelligence capable of piloting Tony to safety should he be rendered unconscious.

There are three parts of the iron man movies.

IRON MAN (2008)
In this film Tony Stark made his first big Iron Man suit and develop it to a body fit iron suit. He optimized the suit by size. Also added missiles, blaster and leaser in the suit to fight against the enemies. In this movie he has her partner named Paper Pot. 

IRON MAN 2 (2010)
In this movie Iron Man becomes  a part of a team called Avengers where he meet to another superheros later. In this movie he met Natasha Roman-off the agent of the shield. Tony Stark reveals himself in front of world as Iron Man. Also in this movie he enhance his suit and its equipments. He added invisible suit to his gallery.

IRON MAN 3 (2013)
Till the Iron Man 3 tony met to other superheros. They beat the ultron which is the virus spread through the internet who can built himself anywhere anyhow. During that he has a bad dream due to scarlet witch super power that everyone would be die by an alien attack so he wanted to develop a shield around the earth. In the Iron Man 3 movie tony has fight with manderine. While manderine attack tony's house and tony escape from there safely but his suit is damaged most. But later he fight back the manderine and save paper pots and prime minister from him. At last tony remove his arc reactor.

After Solo films he has worked in the avenger series and his performance is mind blowing. In the marvels greatest movie named AVENGERS END GAME tony sacrifice his life to save the world and here our hero dies in the MCU.

Everyone must see Iron Man movies as they show a common man as a superhero due to his invention and technology. I guarantee that you will love the movies.
